Friday, June 22, 2007

Nestor and Angelos: Like Looking in the Mirror

Something Nestor said yesterday morning on WNST got me thinking about how he fired Terry and Jeremy this past fall and comments about how the O's treated Sam Perlozzo.

First, Nestor's comments from earlier this week:

...this is just three hours after they had him walking around town this morning looking and sounding like a fool, a dead man walking who was still under the belief that he wasn't getting fired as far as he knew!

That was the wrong thing to do in Nestor's opinion. This was how Nestor treated his former morning team:

Terry Ford and Jeremy Conn much to their surprise were fired. Somewhere just before 9AM the entire morning crew was asked to leave the building and not long after their return, the profiles and email addresses of Ford and Conn were wiped from WNST’s database and website and severance checks awaited them. Only Drew Forrester was left standing.

Hmmm. Guess these guys have more in common than we ever knew...
(photo from


  1. Man you are obsessed! You can crap on Nestor all you want(and he deserves some of it)but it still doesn't change the fact that Angelos has ruined this franchise and continues to treat people like crap on a DAILY BASIS. When Nestor does those 2 things get back to us with your useless drivel. There's a reason why he's been in the business for 20 years and you're a wanna be.

  2. When you stop being anonymous I'll take you seriously...

    Nestor is a boob. He hurts the cause far more than he helps it and, as I've said before, otherwise intelligent people seem to take the guy seriously. I will continue to discredit him.

    BTW I could open my window and shout and be heard by more people than WNST reaches each day...
