According to's Steve Melewski, the Orioles are implementing six-man rotations in their farm system from AA down:
The Orioles seem to really like the fact that their starters can get two bullpen or side sessions between starts in a six-man and feel that is a good way right now for some of their young hurlers to get their work in and make improvements to their game.
Two side sessions between starts and not one like pitchers throw in the more traditional five-man rotation, the O's feel, gives those pitchers the best chance to make those improvements.
I have often quoted Branch Rickey on this blog and I will do it again.
"There is quality in quantity."
Six-man rotations give more young pitchers more opportunities to start and, in theory, gives them more time in between starts to work on their weaknesses. The more guys you give opportunities to start, the more likely you are to find diamonds in the rough. Starters are more valuable than relievers, so the more potential starters in the system, the better.
Now, how will this impact a young pitcher's ability to take on a regular MLB workload? I don't know. Will that transisiton from a six-man to a five-man rotation lead to increased risks of injury? I don't know. But aside from that concern, this looks to be nothing but positive for the Oriole farm system.
One other positive is that bullpen/side session innings are less stressful than game innings. Pitchers aren't going to work 35 or 40 pitch innings (which may increase injury risk) or try to overthrow because of a tight game spot. While, obviously, these kinds of things can also be construed as negatives (loss of learning opportunities, etc.), I think the benefits from more time spent working on mechanics/pitches is probably a positive. Maybe the 6-man rotation should be used in Single-A and the 5-man in AA and AAA? I do think that pitchers need to become accustomed to pitching every 5th day at some point, but I might be overrating that.